Monday, October 31, 2011

Week of October 31, 2011

Activities this week....

Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following functional words - onion rings, milkshake - and review lessons 1-5

Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Individual assignments based on level - increase reading fluency and comprehension

Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities

Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments

Period 5 - MATH - money and time skills

Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals -peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, popcorn, hot cocoa, ice cream floats

Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, recycling, sorting

Community Work Assignments: AM-Child Development, BA-Sosar, RZ-Library

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week of October 24, 2011

Activities this week....

Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following functional words - burger, soda, french fries, onion rings, milkshake

Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Oct. 24-28 - read story and answer questions.

Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities

Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments

Period 5 - MATH - time skills - counting money/making change

Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals -peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, popcorn, hot cocoa, tea

Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, recycling

Community Work Assignments: BA-Child Development, RZ-Sosar, AM-Library

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week of Oct. 17, 2011

Activities this week.... Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs - wet paint, watch your step, water fountain, caution wet floor, women Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Oct. 17-22 - read story and answer questions. Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments Period 5 - MATH - time skills - telling time the the hour/half-hour/minute Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple snacks, various daily living skills lessons and comprehension questions Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, various assembly tasks, cleaning, recycling Community Work Assignments: RZ-Child Development, AM-Sosar, BA-Library

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week of October 10, 2011

Activities this week.... Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs -waiting area, slippery when wet, smoking area, stairs, wash hands Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Oct. 10-14 - read story and answer questions. Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments Period 5 - MATH - time skills - identifying coins, counting $, making change, adding/subtracting $ Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals -pop tarts, toast, eggs, bacon, hot dogs, drinks Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, various assembly tasks, cleaning Community Work Assignments: AM-Child Development, BA-Sosar, RZ-Library

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week of October 3, 2011

Activities this week.... Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs - out of order, poison, recycle, restroom, shoplifters will be prosecuted Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Oct. 3-8 - read story and answer questions. Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments Period 5 - MATH - time skills - telling time to the hour, half-hour, minute Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals - chicken nuggets, eggs, bacon, toast, oatmeal, microwave popcorn, powered drinks Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, various assembly tasks, cleaning Community Work Assignments: BA-Child Development, RZ-Sosar, AM-Library

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of September 26, 2011

Activities this week.... Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs - no weapons, open, not an exit, no pets, no smoking Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Sept. 26-30 - read story and answer questions. Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments Period 5 - MATH - time skills - counting/addition/subtraction/multiplication activities based on individual levels Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals - easy mac, bacon, eggs, & toast, fruit & dip, cinnamon toast Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, various assembly tasks, cleaning Community Work Assignments: BA-Child Development, RZ-Sosar, AM-Library Community Based Instruction Trip to Hometown Farmers' Market is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27th (Raindate: Oct. 3rd). We will leave NS at 9:00 and return by 1:30. Please send in permission slips if you haven't already done so. We will be outside for most of the day, so please dress your child accordingly.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19, 2011

***SENIORS: Yearbook pictures are due September 23rd.

Activities this week....
Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs -no alcohol or drugs, in case of fire use stairs, men's restroom, no food or drinks, keep out

Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Daily comprehension lessons for Sept. 19-23 - read story and answer questions.

Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities

Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments

Period 5 - MATH - time skills - telling time to the hour, half-hour, minute

Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals -hot cocoa, hot tea, pancakes, spaghetti, ravoli
Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, various assembly tasks, cleaning

Community Work Assignments: AM-Child Development, BA-Sosar, RZ-Library

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week of September 12, 2011

***SENIORS: Yearbook pictures are due September 23rd.

Activities this week....
Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs - hard hat area, flammable, guide dogs allowed, in/out, food

Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Continuation of "Let's Move" - answer comprehension questions. Begin "Fast Moving" - identifying vocabulary words and their meaning, reading to increase fluency, answering comprehension questions. 

Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities

Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments

Period 5 - MATH - money skills using Department Store Math activities

Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals - english muffin pizzas, spaghetti, review daily grooming skills
Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, assembling napkins with utensils

Community Work Assignments: BA-Child Development, RZ-Sosar, AM-Library

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week of September 6, 2011

***Please remember to bring clean gym clothes daily. Also, please return any forms/permission slips sent home last week.

Activities this week....
Period 1 - FUNCTIONAL READING 2: Identifying the following survival signs - exit, first aid, escalator, elevator, fire extinguisher

Period 2 - FUNCTIONAL READING 1: Continuation of "Let's Move" - identifying vocabulary words and their meaning, reading to increase fluency, answering comprehension questions. Begin "Fast Moving" - identifying vocabulary words and their meaning, reading to increase fluency, answering comprehension questions. 

Period 3 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - see Mrs. Minalda's blog for activities

Period 4 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - grooming, preparing letters for mail, various leisure time activities, individual handwriting assignments

Period 5 - MATH - telling time - practice time to the hour/half-hour/minute using clock manipulatives, clock software program

Period 6 - DAILY LIVING SKILLS - preparing simple meals - oatmeal & Ramen noodles, practicing measuring (using cups), review daily grooming skills
Period 7 - WORK SKILLS - shredding, cutting coupons, assembling napkins with utensils

Community Work Assignments: BA-Library, RZ-Child Development, AM-Sosar