This year your child will be participating in my Work Skills, Daily Living Skills, Functional Reading, and/or Functional Math Skills class. We will spend the first few days of school getting to know one another and becoming familiar with the classroom and school rules and procedures. We will spend time practicing going to our lockers, through the lunch line, and to and from classes. Students will also be made familiar with expectations while at school. We will discuss being responsible, respectful, and safe. Students will earn tickets and be entered into a weekly drawing when seen demonstrating responsibility, respectfulness, and safety.
Community Based Instruction work will begin next week. Permission slips will be sent home later this week.
Please look through your child’s binder nightly. More information will be added as the year progresses. Please sign and return any forms sent home as soon as possible. Handbooks will be given out at each class meeting.
Upcoming Events
8/26-Class meetings 10th-12th
8/27-Class meetings 7th-9th
8/29-District Pep Rally
9/1-Labor Day NO SCHOOL
9/3-Meet the Teacher 6:30-8:30
I am excited to be back at school, and I look forward to a fantastic school year!
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
570-874-0495 x2114 or